It is a white-berried, very old vine variety native of Central Italy. Its name derives from the rather small size of its grapes and from the fact that sparrows (“passeri” in Italian) often peck them. Its original territory is probably the Adriatic coast in Abruzzo and Marche, then its cultivation moved also to the South of Lazio. It belongs to the large family of Trebbiano.

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It is a white-berried, very old vine variety native of Central Italy. Its name derives from the rather small size of its grapes and from the fact that sparrows (“passeri” in Italian) often peck them. Its original territory is probably the Adriatic coast in Abruzzo and Marche, then its cultivation moved also to the South of Lazio. It belongs to the large family of Trebbiano.

Its color is a light straw-yellow with pale green shades. Its aromas are very intense with agreeable hints of peach, apricot and grapefruit. Its floral scents recall wisteria and lime tree and it takes on a strong mineral character over the time. This variety is characterized by a particularly good capacity of accumulating sugar content without resulting in a simultaneous decrease in the acid components during the harvest; thus it is also marked by a strong acidity.

Ideal with starters, carpaccio and raw fish, shellfish, first and second courses with fish. Excellent when consumed with cream cheese and stretched curd cheese.




Colore giallo paglierino tenue con lievi riflessi verdolini, con profumi intensi ,con piacevoli profumi di pesca ,albicocca e pompelmo ,con sentori floreali che ricordano il glicine ed il Tiglio


Ottimo con antipasti ,carpacci e crudi di pesce,crostacei,primi e secondi piatti a base di pesce


Temperatura di servizio 8/10 °C

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