Red Wine
Montepulciano d’Abruzzo is a native vine varieties with a very deep ruby red color and, when aged, it turns to maroon and orange. Its aroma is very strong and persistent with a scent of ripe red fruits and peculiar hints of marasca cherry, plum, wither rose, licorice and vanilla. It has a dry, warm and soft flavour.
Red wine Belcanto
Red wine Belcanto
The Red Grapes undergo a soft pressing, leaving to macerate skins and must for a strictly necessary period, usually 5 / 6 days, to acquire the right color and tannin, and after separating the must from the skins, the fermentation continues to obtain a beautiful red purplish wine with a dry and slightly tannic flavour.
Rosé Belcanto
Spec Sheet Rosé Belcanto
The production process of Rosé wines is in general a process halfway between the production of white wine and red wine: in particular, it starts in the same way as red wines and continues as for white wines. Starting from red grapes, which undergo a soft pressing, we get the must: this is not separated from the skins, which start with the maceration. The pink color, as well as the colour of red wines, is obtained by macerating the skins in the must for a variable time, as for Rosé the maceration is done within a few hours, up to a maximum of two days, the duration of the maceration time depends essentially on the coloring capacity of the grape and the type of rosé wine to be produced. During this phase it is essential to avoid the beginning of fermentation, therefore the must is kept at a low temperature.
At the end of maceration, maximum 2 days, the must is separated from the skins and then the process of production and fermentation continues exactly as for white wines. Generally rosé wines are fermented in inert containers, such as steel and cement, very rarely in wooden containers, such as barrels and barriques.
Il Merlot è originario di Bordeaux. Fu introdotto in Agro Pontino negli anni Trenta dai coloni
Veneti che bonificarono le Paludi Pontine. Una Qualità mai opportunamente valorizzata in passato, ma negli ultimi anni anche grazie all’impegno di produttori locali che grazie al loro impegno e alle combinazioni più idonee fra portainnesti ,cloni e forme di coltivazioni a filari si sono ottenete uve di alta qualità.